21st Century Parks

Amount Raised: $125 Million

Home of the Innocents

Amount Raised: $60 Million (3 campaigns)

Sojourn Community Church East

Amount Raised: $4.25 Million

Covington Catholic High School

Amount Raised: $7.5 Million

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

Amount Raised: $2 Million

Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (KMAC)

Amount Raised: (TBA)

It’s hard to believe that it has been over 20 years since I founded The Covenant Group. Over the past two decades our team has had the privilege of helping hundreds of nonprofit clients achieve and surpass their fundraising goals. In fact, associates of The Covenant Group have raised over $1 billion! Campaigns we manage average 145% of goal and have a 98% success rate.

In addition to capital campaigns, we also help nonprofits of all sizes with feasibility / planning studies, strategic planning, development audits, Board training, executive searches and more. We have partnered with nonprofit organizations from many sectors that include human services, education, church, arts, environment, and healthcare.

We don’t strive to be the biggest firm. Instead, our goal is to provide senior level counsel and to be accessible, flexible and personally engaged in our work with each client. Our mission is not only to help them achieve fundraising results, but to help them build success that lasts after our engagement ends. – Len Moisan, Founder and President of The Covenant Group


Helping churches and nonprofit organizations reach their growth and funding goals.

Two ways we can serve you

Full Service Consulting

We’ve helped generate over $1 billion in revenues for our clients. And, we’ve helped these clients tackle nonprofit fundraising, church growth, strategic planning, and capital campaigns. Let us put this vast experience to work for you.

Self Serve Products

We have distilled our expertise into online training and planning tools that can help you drive your success on a very tight budget. So, if you want to drive a strategic planning process on a shoestring, our self-serve products are exactly what you need.

Latest Blogs

A Simple Message for a Complex Time

This last year has been full of surprises and some craziness. For example, so far this year we’ve had a shocking election, a total eclipse, a riot...

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Why America is Great

America Great Because She is Good When Alexis de Tocqueville first came here, he observed a young democracy that he both admired and wrote about in...

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Year-End Giving With a New Twist

Each year around this time the literature is replete with articles about year-end giving. Clearly, November and December are the best months for...

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Leadership is a Covenant: Leading People and Living More Effectively.

In Leadership is a Covenant, Dr. Len Moisan, Ph.D., brings new meaning to the concept of leadership by demonstrating how the principles and power of covenants — properly applied — can increase engagement, improve productivity, create prosperity, and transform people and organizations for the better.

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