Master Bundle – Get All 4 Modules and save $100!

If your organization is ready to move forward quickly, then the Strategic Planning Roadmap Master Bundle is for you. We pack more than 20 years of experience into four modules with 48 different unique resources. You get budget templates, planning guides, and instructional videos – all for one low price.

And, if you use our tools for 30 days but do not believe they deliver the right value, we will refund your money.

Check out all the amazing stuff you get for just one low price!

Everything you need to create a world-class Strategic Plan: only $896!

The Preparing for the Trip module allows you to get started right. It will help you properly set up your project, develop a budget, and assemble your team. It’s exactly what you need before you embark.

And, remember, if you aren’t fully satisfied, we will refund your purchase.

Check out all the items that come within just this first module!

Introduction to Module 1

Why should organizations plan? Discover the benefits, learn who to recruit and how long the process takes.

Benefits of Planning

Effective strategic planning is mission focused, builds consensus and defines accountability. It also eliminates waste and duplicated efforts.

Developing a Budget and Timeline

Don’t start the planning process without first having an expectation of the costs and timeframe.

Budget Worksheet

Use this spreadsheet to help calculate and estimate the costs you should consider.

Timeline Overview

This outline keeps your planning activities concise and on target to ensure the process does not drag on excessively.

Assembling Your Team

Learn exactly who should be involved in the process and why each person plays a key role

Job Description

Volunteers will want to know exactly what they are signing up for…this description will help clarify responsibilities.

Choosing Your Team

Discover who the 5 key individuals and groups are that will compose your planning team.

Recruiting Worksheet

Use this helpful tool to keep track of contact information, follow up and who has agreed to serve

Selecting a Facilitator

Choosing the right person to lead the retreat and volunteer training sessions is vital to planning success…learn what traits to look for in this leader.

Module 1 – Conclusion

Know you know why planning is so important, who to recruit, estimated costs and what to look for in a facilitator…time to get to work in Module 2

In Getting Oriented you can find out if your stakeholders are ready to actually join you on this new journey. This module guides you through a process to gain insights from those you’re leading so your plan is informed and engaging.

And, remember, if you aren’t fully satisfied, we will refund your purchase.

In this module, you get all the items below!

Module 2 – Introduction

Learn how to build, distribute, and tabulate results from a thorough stakeholder survey. This provides the medium for determining your critical issues.

Pre-survey Checkpoints

Before you can get starting building your survey you will need to select a survey provider. Know what to look for.

Comparing Survey Providers

This quick reference guide helps you consider and compare several of the top rated survey providers.

Survey Template

The work has been done. You can now just recreate this survey in the online provider you choose.

Survey Design: Demographics

Learn the types of questions you should ask to get a good profile of your respondents. We’ll show you how to add and edit these questions.

Survey Design: Targeted Questions

How to use closed-ended “yes/no” questions to get specific, targeted responses.

Survey Design: Rating Scale

These questions are very important in helping you assess how participants rate key components of quality in terms of importance and performance.

Survey Design: Open-Ended

Use “essay” questions to allow participants to speak freely. The responses help you discern how they view your church or nonprofit.

Survey Communication and Distribution

Once the survey is created, you will need to get it out to your database. We’ve provided tools to help.

Special Options

Learn how to edit the survey to make it your own by adding logos, changing color scheme and more.

Tabulating Open-Ended Questions

Find out ways to group and classify like answers so that common themes emerge.

Get the Word Out

This document helps you inform participants about the reason behind the survey and how they can take it. Make this doc your own.

Tips for Administrators

Make sure that whoever is tasked with survey distribution has these helpful tips on hand to ensure a smooth roll out.

Module Conclusion

The survey has been launched and tabulated. You have a pulse on your stakeholders. Now you are ready to prepare for the planning retreat.

In Choosing Your Route we take the plan you have built and the stakeholder survey knowledge you have gained and start moving. You will need to animate the leaders to begin to own the plan and drive the action items. This module helps you recruit and deploy the key people required to move forward.

And, remember, if you aren’t fully satisfied, we will refund your purchase.

In this module, you get all the items below!

Module 3 – Introduction

During the retreat participants will engage in lively conversation and teamwork to complete important tasks…use this module to create a successful retreat.

Retreat Readiness

As you approach the retreat date make sure you have completed certain activities to prepare your facilitator to lead a productive meeting.

Timeline of Countdown to Retreat

Use this checklist to make sure you are ready for retreat day and that you have made all the necessary preparations for success.

Cover Page

This cover page template can help you make a professional impression. Make sure to edit the template to give the cover the right image and feel for your organization.

Activity 1: Find Someone Who

This fun icebreaker helps participants learn interesting facts about each other and helps establish relational connections quickly.

Activity 2: Design the Perfect Church

This interactive group exercise helps people “think big” about what the organization can become.

Activity 3: Creating and Confirming Mission

If you already have a mission statement, this exercise will help you refine it to make sure it concisely defines why you exist. If you don’t, this will help prime the pump.

Activity 4: Creating a Vision

What does your church or organization want to be or become and how will you get there? This activity helps inspire rich dialogue and powerful thinking.

Activity 5: Visionary Goals

Each critical issue that was raised must be turned into a specific goal. This activity will help your team do that.

Activity 6: Key Strategies and Action Plans

Break the group into subcommittees – one for each goal – and let them go to work.

Activity 7: Visionary Goals Template

Use this guide to help groups transition their ideas to paper. This provides the framework for the plan.

Retreat PowerPoint Preparation

What’s a retreat without some great visuals to help people stay on track? In this video we describe our retreat template and how you can use it most effectively.

Retreat PowerPoint Template

This template will help you create a professional and concise presentation for your retreat. Customize it – a little or a lot – to fit your church or organization’s persona.

Retreat Instruction and Footage

Watch how Dr. Moisan interacts with participants and leads them through key retreat activities. This will help your facilitator be fully prepared.

Module 3 – Conclusion

At the conclusion of the retreat, your subcommittees have developed preliminary strategies for each goal. They will use the next few weeks to refine those and complete the plan.

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Everything you need to create a world-class Strategic Plan: only $896!